The Colorado Kindness Project was created to bring communities together to create a culture of kindness, one community at a time.

Thanks for stopping by. I am a writer. I’ve always loved words, and have followed some great authors. In my heart, I always believed that some day I would become a writer. But how does really “become” something? By doing, by claiming it to be. And so, I am a writer!

Random Facts About Me

  • I spent the first half of my career in the healthcare industry. While there, I spent many years of that time in education, teaching others and working with some awesome teachers.
  • I am a straight spouse. In my first marriage, my husband of 15 years “came out,” declared he was gay, and we divorced. So many lessons were learned in that process.
  • I spent two years living in Barbados. While there, I met the love of my life and remarried. I am truly blessed that God sent this man into my life. We currently live in Colorado with our wonder dog, Shiloh.
  • I began much of my writing on Squidoo, which was an awesome site for creating content. That site no longer exists, and I plan to republish some of that writing on my site here.
  • I also have a direct sales business with Mary & Martha. It connects to my faith and how I love helping others grow their faith and have beautiful things in their home. In this business, I also am blessed to mentor others to grow a strong business that creates awesome things for their family.
  • In 2014, I published my first “nonbusiness” book (have done two previously in the healthcare industry), Standing on the Promises. It is my way of sharing with others that we have promises in the Bible that we can rely on in our lives today.
  • While I love to cook and bake, I rarely do it except at the holidays. My husband is an awesome cook and loves making meals for others, so it works for me!
  • I love to find pleasure in simplicity…the laughter of a child, the beauty of a flower, and my wonder dog, who makes me laugh every single day.

This project came about because I’m passionate about kindness. What if we could change our world with simple kindness? The last few years have shown more unkindness in our world than should exist. And yet, I believe there are people out there who truly care and are kind. So let’s work together to bring those folks together and create something amazing. And in doing that, we can create a culture of kindness, one community at a time.

I invite you to join me on this journey. If you’d like to receive updates when new things are published, please consider joining my email list on the sign up form below.

Living an extraordinary life is a choice. What’s yours?

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